All purchases require that the customer obtain a license to use any and all items purchased in our store. Please understand that you are purchasing a license to use the digital tubes and scrapkits and you do NOT own the copyright of items purchased. Copyright remains with the artist, original creator of the scrapkit elements and DOES NOT in any form extend rights to the purchaser to re-sell or share items from our store with others, nor are they to be uploaded to any 'share sites' such as 4-Shared and the like. Please see our Resale Terms of Use below.
If you are found uploading to share sites, sharing items with others or reselling tubes or digital kits you will be violating not only the Phoenix Creative Design Terms of Use but the artist copyright and designer terms of use. You may not print, photograph, scan, or make copies of any item represented by Phoenix Creative Design for resale or to share as this is a violation of our terms of use and artist copyright. Violations of our Terms of UseWILLresult in the loss of your license as well as pursuing any legal remedies allowed by law.
Licensed images may not exceed 72 dpi or measure more than 500 pixels on the longest side. Phoenix Creative Design images are not to be altered in any way. Unless the artist specifies modifications in their CU TOU ie for Elements in CU Packs. Phoenix images are not to be used for profit, absolutely NO monetary compensation, consideration can be received using images purchased from our store. Commercial Usage approval must be obtained from the 'rights holder', i.e. Artist, photographer, designer and we will be happy to assist you in making contact with the rights holder by providing contact information only. Phoenix images are not to be used/mixed with images from free artist sites or other licensed artist sites. EXCEPTION: Phoenix Creative Design artists can be used with other Phoenix artists, multiple images from the same artist, however EACH artist (if more than one is used) must be credited on any digital designs or creations. Animation, changing a coloured image to black and white, colouring a black and white image, adding certain elements to cover portions of adult images (in order to use those images on sites where R rated images are not allowed) is permitted as long as the Artists work is respected . As always, proper credit must be legible on all designs/creations. Images may not be distorted in such a way as to deform the image in any way which would make the image disproportionate from the original, use of filters is permitted so long as the filters do not obscure the tube in such a way as to be unrecognizable from the original image; tubed images purchased MUST be recognizable in its original tubed state in any design except for the addition of elements and the like obtained from scrapkits. Images may be resized so long as the proportions remain such that the image is not distorted. You MAY NOT create blank tags, websets, skins, stationery, text must be included (watermarks DO NOT constitute text); Welcome, Snagged, Mail, etc. Printing of any image shown on the Phoenix Creative Design site is prohibited. Unless artists specify you are allowed to print their artwork. Images may be sold singly, or in image multi-packs. Freebies will be offered from time to time, also as Free with Purchase. Images MUST NOT be shared, or uploaded to any server (4-shared, Rapidshare, etc) for future downloads to individuals/groups who do not hold a Phoenix Creative Design license and have purchased images.
Please be certain to read the TOU that is included with each item purchased for Resale. Should the terms for these items be violated your license with Phoenix Creative Design will be revoked.
Phoenix Creative Design images may be used in your tutorials, however notice must be clear that any Phoenix image is being used as a 'SAMPLE' for the purpose of tutorials, and individuals wishing to use the same image in their tags based on the tutorial must be directed to our store to purchase the image. Images found in our freebie section should be noted in the tutorial that the image is being used courtesy of Phoenix Creative Design and is not available for purchase. To credit a tutorial site on your designs: Tutorial by (tut writers name) and url, NO copyright symbol allowed Questions, Concerns Regarding Images; Please address any questions or concerns