PU (Personal Use) Product to be used in a personal use only. This means you can use it for all kind of layouts and for other graphic projects but for your personal use only, not to create profit in any way.
CU (Commercial Use) Product that can be use in a commercial way. You can create with these items, new elements or new papers and resell them as PU (personal use). If a kit or element is appropriate for commercial use it can also be used for PU/ S4H or S4O.
CU4CU (Commercial Use for Commercial Use) These kind of products allow you to create your own commercial use products from the provided elements or papers. With CU4CU items, nearly everything is allowed except reselling them as they are, they MUST be modified before selling as CU.
R4R (Resale for Resale) Can be sold as CU4CU or Commercial Use(CU) or Personal Use(PU). (see above terms)
Artists Commissions Usually agreed between the artist and designer/customer; Used either for Personal use only or sold as either R4R, CU4CU, CU, PU dependant on the Artists TOU and agreed permissions.
S4H (Scrap for Hire) That means that is not just for personal use but also to scrap for someone else. You can sell to a third party as PU, but not as CU.
QP (Quickpage or Quick Page) A predesigned digital scrapbook page saved in a flattened form with transparent spots for photos.
TS (Tagger Size) This is the size of an item or kit. (smaller than Full Sized kit) Personal use only
FS (Full Size) This is the size of an item or kit. Can be printed for scrapbooking. Personal Use only
TOU (Terms of Use) Designer terms and conditions.
*Always read the TOU's of a designer because each of them have their own features.